LSAC Fee Increases
The LSAT registration fee for the 2024-2025 testing cycle will increase to $238 per administration beginning with the August 2024 exam.
The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Fee has increased to $207.
Visit for more details.
Khan Academy Phases Out
After June 30, 2024, the LSAC LawHub and LawHub Advantage platforms will replace currently available LSAT prep resources offered by Khan Academy. LawHub resources will be similar to resources previously provided by Khan Academy and LawHub Advantage will offer approximately 50 sample practice tests in the new LSAT format.
We encourage you to begin exploring LawHub resources and to continue to utilize Khan Academy as you prepare for the LSAT, including the helpful diagnostic functions.
Make sure to screenshot, print and/or download any data in your Khan Academy account that you wish to keep before June 30, 2024.
We understand that these changes can bring anxiety, frustration, and uncertainty regarding your LSAT plans. If you would like to speak directly with a Pre-Law Advisor, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we are here to help!
- Email:
- Phone: 217-333-4710
- Schedule an Advising Appointment